Wow – it’s been a crazy couple of months. Thanks to a letter from Keller Williams — Postmarked from Nevada with a return address of Memphis and letterhead from Nashville — we started looking into selling our home. We learned a few things. First, investment companies are making it increasingly difficult for first-time buyers to get into homes. At this stage in the game it’s as expensive to rent as it is to buy; the difference is you can’t buy because the homes are bought up for rentals. We also learned that selling one and buying another is damaging to Aragon’s calm. However, we are so-far getting into a new house and out of our first place pretty smoothly so I can’t complain too much. Our Realtor has been a superhero dealing with my short fuse and endless questions.

On the photography front…

Well, you can see from my posts that I haven’t been very active. I honestly just have so much going on, but I haven’t even been in the mood lately. I am excited for the extra space in the new home that I can use for a real darkroom. I’m going to start going back through my negatives and do some more printing. This doesn’t mean I haven’t been making many photographs. I did take the family to Discovery Park of America last month for Spring Break and we enjoyed a fun afternoon of exploring.

Leica M3 w/ 7Artisans 50mm f/1.1 and Kodak ProImage 100.

Leica M3 w/ 7Artisans 50mm f/1.1 and Kodak ProImage 100.

Leica M3 w/ 7Artisans 50mm f/1.1 and Kodak ProImage 100.

Leica M3 w/ 7Artisans 50mm f/1.1 and Kodak ProImage 100.

Leica M3 w/ 7Artisans 50mm f/1.1 and Kodak ProImage 100.

Yes, I used ISO 100 film indoors with no flash. Leica M cameras are amazing for their smooth, nearly silent slow shutter speeds. I hand-held all of these, some as low as 1/25s. It really gave me the confidence I needed in ISO 100 film to shoot it more. I’ve spent years using ISO 400 so I could get decent indoor photos.

Packing Day!

So now that we’re moving (new house to be revealed, soon) I have to pack up the cameras and lenses and all the other miscellaneous crap I’ve collected since 2014. Ugh! I made lots of boxes of cameras out of my bookcases.

This took longer than I wanted to pack up. I might leave them boxed for a couple months so it’ll be like Christmas. Maybe it’ll kindle my camera collecting fire again.

Yeah, that curve in the picture: That’s an iPhone 12 artifact. Phone cameras suffer from … well, they suck. They’re a good “I don’t have anything else on hand…” or if you want to be really creative and eschew traditional photographic tools. Otherwise, buy a real f***ing camera, already.

This will soon have its own darkroom. I’m getting excited! w00h00!

Honestly, the next post should be after we move in. I’ll try and do a series on the darkroom build/setup. We’ve also got memberships to the museums and parks in Memphis, so we’ll be hitting them for more photography. Hell, maybe there will be time for some photography adventures!

See ya soon and thanks for hanging out here!
