Dixon Gallery and Gardens on a Holga

This past weekend I took my daughter to an art workshop at the Dixon Gallery and Gardens in Memphis. Last fall the Dixon planted 100,000 tulip bulps throughout the grounds. It was an amazing sight. It certainly wasn’t the first time I’d seen the tulips — I’ve been 3 times this year alone, and twice a couple years ago — but it never ceases to amaze me. As with the last time I took photos out there of the full bloom, I took another Holga. This time my cheeky multi-colored 120GCFN which has the glass lens in it. I know, I know… cheating. I did intend to use the original 120N but it had a roll of film in it that I couldn’t identify and I didn’t want to run an entire roll through it to find out it’s all black and white!

Holga GCFN120
Holga GCFN120

Also this time I wanted to do more double-exposure photography, but I wasn’t really prepared for it, so most of those didn’t come out. I really want to do more colorful and “intentional” double-exposures, but I need some props (silhouettes, alternating color patterns) that I can keep in my bag. I think I’ll work on that this weekend, so expect more photos. For now, I’m excited to share what I’ve done already. Keep in mind the Holga photos aren’t for everyone. It’s a toy camera with a single meniscus lens, soft focus and some vignetting, but I really like the results I get.

Light Leaks and blooms

I think the top of this roll didn’t get completely covered in developer the whole time, so when you see the dark strip at the top, that’s the reason.

The weird shape of the lens means in close-up mode it becomes a sort of fisheye

The purple flaring around the edges is due to a light leak. I was kneeling down to take a picture and lost my balance. I dropped the Holga and the back flew off exposing the film.

Colors popping up all over the gardens!


This is what it looks like when you leave your Holga in Bulb mode by mistake. 😉

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  1. […] I have a bunch of these cameras. I am still wanting a Red/White one for the collection. Anyhoo, this is not your […]

  2. […] too late again, but luckily we have plenty of subjects in our neighborhood. So I loaded up the Holga and the Minolta AF2 (my all time personal favorite 35mm point-and-shoot) and romped around the […]

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